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Detached in a Sentence Definition

I'm neither studious nor detached, and, furthermore, I rather think I am a fool.
At others her expression and demeanour almost seem absent, detached, as if beyond the music.
The quills are so lightly fixed to the porcupine's body that they are easily detached and left embedded in the attacker.
Conservatives tend to see this as detached from the deep theological wells of the tradition.
They are well-disposed toward their subject but detached enough to criticize it.
All this might sound like the product of an addled brain, but it is not as detached from political reality as it seems.
The four-bedroom detached house is set amid sheltered gardens and boasts railed paddocks, stables, a swimming pool and hard tennis court.
Communications between detached fleets and the Admiralty often took weeks, if not months.
Sandwiched between the two jaw rami is the left splenial, which has become detached and has been displaced slightly dorsally.
The short answer is to hightail it out of the capital to where large and detached homes are more readily available.
Outside the house there is a detached garage with electric shutter and electricity wiring, while a cobbled driveway offers parking for six cars.
Before picking up a crab, we detached attached males by carefully pushing their claws off the females' terminal spines.
To mount a new cylinder, the nine-inch barrel had to be detached from the frame, then refastened by means of a wedge.
The quarry produces stones of considerable size which are easily detached, the strata being regularly disposed one above the other.
When the Queen first began her reign, monarchs were expected to be somewhat detached, grand and distant figures, especially the British monarch.
One of the proposals, submitted by Joe Costello, proposes to construct 25 semi detached two storey houses.
Included in the sale is an adjoining site at 1 Abbeylane, with lapsed planning permission for a detached four-bedroom residence.
More than 52,000 bulbs decorate their detached houses among spacious lawns in Northwich Road.
There's an imposing sandstone detached residence, in an exclusive cul-de-sac, with an extensive refurbishment completed.
It is hard not to feel a certain revulsion for so detached and apparently inhuman an attitude to childbearing.

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Minakakis' passionate, incendiary delivery provided tangible pathos to the band's awe-inspiring but detached musicianship.
When all support is disrupted or detached, the distal clavicle loses all ligamentous connection, allowing it to rise superiorly.
I'm still wondering about the man in the plumed turban standing apart and detached watching sailors and vendors at work.
The developer was also looking to build two golf courses at the site as well as a 96-bedroom aparthotel and a number of detached houses.
As a result he is often referred to as a philosopher of art, giving the impression of being dry and detached from the world around him.
And yet, the figure isn't a detached archetypal motif, but a projection of the artist's embodied self.
The artist's impression reveals a different approach to the usual suburban layout of detached homes arranged in cul-de-sacs.
One is folding shirts, the other is lounging by the counter, looking detached and very handsome.
The development includes 12 apartments, 38 semi-detached houses, five town houses, 12 maisonettes, and two detached houses.
With enough force, the coracoclavicular ligaments also will be torn, and the deltotrapezial fascia injured or detached.
The family have now moved from their detached home in Primrose Avenue, Macclesfield to a secluded farm in Powys.
Leaves with the whole sheath attached were detached from the plant seedlings.
These women, who at first appear to work at a distance from the harvest scene in the background, are actually detached from it.
A new development of 36 detached and semi-detached houses and bungalows is now on the market in Blackrock, Co Louth.
Another four semi-detached homes and three detached houses are planned for the rest of the half hectare site.
He became a professional soldier, a mercenary, fighting wars and killing people and being completely detached from it all.
The three bed dormer detached bungalow provides many extras and is within easy reach of the town centre.
The four bed detached two storey house enjoys many extras and has a walled garden to the front and rear.
These ligaments can be sprained, disrupted, detached, or separated, depending on the severity of the injury.
Ironically detached, they will not test, one-by-one, the proposed septuple functions of Christ's hand, nor will heptamerousness appall them.

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At their detached home on the edge of the village, Mrs Britton enjoyed tending the garden, where Mr Britton kept beehives.
Again, we find no reason to suppose that metaphysical issues can be cleanly detached from epistemological concerns.
The dangling detached polo shirt collars and tiny tee shirts may take some getting used to.
Under the plans, nine three-storey town houses and four three-storey detached houses with double garages would have been created on the site.
One leaf disc with known area was detached from each leaf, avoiding major veins and the midrib.
Flats are safest, followed by mid-terraces, then corner terraces, then semi-detached houses and, finally, detached houses.
The three-bedroom, one-bath tract house has a detached garage with a tall redwood tree behind it.
The text is concerned primarily with practices of midwifery that remained detached from anatomical investigations of the body.
Western concepts of God have ranged from the detached transcendent demiurge of Aristotle to the pantheism of Spinoza.
Appendix A is an interesting but rather detached precis of chemical warfare and shell shock.
A leafy neighbourhood of detached and semi-detached homes much removed from the urban blight of Scottish cities.
The flexor-pronator mass origin was detached from the medial epicondyle, and submuscular ulnar nerve transposition was performed.
In many contributions to The Racing Post he also tackled the serious issues of racing with a unbiased and detached eye.
Whereas the caged specimens evoke a comfortably detached curiosity, the uncaged native provokes a fear that demands surveillance.
Dating from 1960, this detached bungalow has been sizably extended to the rear to provide a living space of 176 square metres.
The wing has been detached from the fuselage to facilitate repairs to portions of the wing skin.
If a 'sleeve' was shot away or otherwise became detached, its recovery was worth a mad scramble.
Charlie's tone was still detached but her fists were clenched in still unforgotten anger.
The feeling of detached indifference had been soothing and he hated that it was slowly slipping away.
One group is generally aloof, somewhat uninvolved and detached from their child and the child's emotional needs.

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There was a loud smack, and one of the shelves detached and plenty of magazines spilled onto the floor.
Carried into the cell in this way, the DNA eventually detached from the nanorods and entered the nucleus.
People don't see them as lacking in smarts, wit or attractiveness but as haughty and detached.
When songwriting, he feels he undergoes some sort of chemical change which makes him detached and unresponsive once outside the office.
The two unsold detached villas have asking prices of 19,350 and 19,651 yuan a square metre.
Without sea otters, urchins overgraze the kelp, eating the base of the plant so that it becomes detached from the sea floor and dies.
It is not a specialism which can readily be detached for the purposes of litigation.
I try to approach all submissions in a detached way to be businesslike and non-emotional, in so far as that is possible.
Westfield Gardens, on the town's Glasgow Road, will form a small self-contained development of 26 detached villas.
Even with a wheel and pedals, the lack of G-forces, bumps and jolts make the visual elements too detached for me to remain in control.
The first release comprises four-bedroom detached, five-bedroom detached and five-bedroom split-level houses.
Arnold was in short the very exemplar of the detached if benevolent observer and adviser, the non-party independent.
The Alaska spoonworm is said to have a proboscis that is not easily detached.
His group determines a plant's vulnerability by inoculating detached leaves with the pathogen.
At the end of each month the picture can be detached from the calendar and used as a notelet.
The camera is a detached observer, and the strength of the film lies in its acute power of observation and detail.
Contemporary drawings show that the cookhouse was badly cracked as was the barracks and one of the caponiers had completely detached itself.
A cataclysmic event during this period detached most of the crystal groups from the cavern walls and ceiling.
When a member of the household is sick our lives are rendered strange and detached from the world about us.
The field was strewn with limp male bodies and randomly scattered detached limbs.

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If detached leaves were fed glucose, inducing a rapid switch from autotrophy to heterotrophy, then they were seen to exhibit GPT activity.
If it is style, elegance and grandeur you are after then this five-bed detached property may be the home for you.
A lodging house is loosely defined as a single, detached home, usually divided into various rooms for student subletting purposes.
The changeling is the quintessential symbol of the child who feels detached from her family.
Is care and concern always to be preferred over more emotionally detached ways of relating to others?
The development comprises four and five-bedroom detached family homes and bungalows.
Towards 1760, simultaneously in France and in England, two horologers succeeded in creating the first detached escapements.
What had happened was a connector that secures the steering mechanism to the sway bar had come loose and eventually detached.
He's not a house husband, although he has a separate detached office on our property where he does his work and his painting.
When he tried to deploy his chutes the main one failed to open and the reserve chute detached from his body.
I personally would find it difficult to maintain a detached tone under the circumstances.
The circumstantially imposed corrections refer to the discursive move toward offering impartial, even detached, moral judgment.
The period, as he never tired of repeating, was one of passionless reflection and detached understanding.
The passive voice gives a sense of detached and objective authority that, in contrast to the imperative mode, is expressive of neutrality.
No matter how cool and detached these people seem on the outside, they are hypersensitive, extremely emotional and tender hearted.
Lazy journalists tend to think that his stuff is very clinical and detached, but behind all of that is an enormous heart pumping away.
The five riders were picked up by a chase group which detached itself from the sluggish peloton.
And the detached, studied, as well as learned tone of his work acts as a pendant to his quest for self-knowledge.
Planners have approved the building of 27 new homes to replace four detached houses in an exclusive leafy enclave.
It seems like she was detached from it all, prepared to let them take the decisions for her.

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The procedure involves the propagation of detached roots on agar plates and the collection of root hairs by immersion in liquid nitrogen.
The perspective of the scientist was supposed to be cool, detached, and impartial.
Secondly, Nietzsche complains, the indifferentists are too detached, not excited enough.
She gaped as Jesse all but detached his jaw and inhaled half the burger in one bite.
A few hours after it detached, the cell regenerated its filopodia and once again adhered to the matrix.
The four-bedroom houses have a conical shaped roof and turret shaped sitting rooms and come with a detached garage.
From my plebeian perch in rural Mississippi, I have observed the actions of this administration with a kind of detached concern.
Men on detached service and convalescents in hospitals were sent home to help.
The movie works by maintaining a coolly detached view of the events in the Ghetto.
It may be installed in a dresser or desk drawer or detached and mounted in a vehicle.
Brown, who had surgery to repair a detached flexor muscle in his right elbow, should be ready for the start of next season.
Petals were detached from three flowers, pooled and used for mRNA isolation.
The quills are so lightly fixed to the porcupine's body that they are easily detached and left imbedded in the attacker.
The train's couplings to the broken car detached, and the train sped forward.
It is the coupon that will be detached and referred to, and that is where you want your claim.
Woodview, a four-bedroom detached house, is situated on a third of an acre and covers an area of 2,150 square feet.
Anthony was one of four men hurt when the high-rise window-cleaning cradle became detached.
The fracas over his cabinet appointments provides further evidence of a style of leadership that could be described as detached at best.
New French doors connect the dining room to a courtyard, carved out of wasted space between the house and the detached garage.
He's slightly detached, everything delivered in deadpan Liverpudlian tones, like he's doing some spoof of Ringo Starr.

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Another choking hazard are multi-colour educational bears, with buttons and press studs which can be easily detached.
They can open a window on the inner workings of ivory tower, debunking stereotypes of academics as detached from the real world.
The leaves are strongly decurrent and apparently did not become detached readily.
The moments of brilliance and detached profundities are engulfed by too many false starts and half-baked ideas.
Outside, there is a large detached double garage with a glasshouse alongside as well as lawn areas.
There are also several fully serviced glasshouses, a detached play shed and a double detached garage.
Likewise, detached roots of untransformed M. sativa plants were able to propagate in vitro.
Five mature leaves were detached from each one of ten A1 shoots belonging to five different individuals of each species.
Three leaves were detached from the plant and cut along the mid vein into two halves.
All of the material of this species comprises colonies detached from their substrata and mostly in a poor condition.
This may explain why he was always so isolated, detached and unemotional.
It just seems too far away, too detached from life this side of the pond, and America should have the resources to sort out this kind of problem if anyone has.
Schnittke's through-composed style is at times powerfully direct, but sometimes too direct, the chorus's declamation dramatic yet detached and almost perfunctory.
The couple converted a barn into two luxury self-catering cottages with an additional single detached room for bed and breakfast or extra accommodation for guests.
The detached villa sits within mature private gardens approached through a pillared entrance way, which immediately gives the property a sense of grandeur.
In addition to a concrete outhouse, there is also a large detached garage with pitched roof, electrical points and separate car access to the road.
Several U.S. anthropologists have observed recently that the discipline may be so detached from real world issues that it runs the risk of undermining itself.
People are locked in texting, or whatever it is on their screens, and detached from their physical surroundings.
The muscle is detached from its insertion at the greater tubercle of the humerus, leaving its blood supply to the thoracoacromial artery and internal mammary artery.
For that reason, it is essential for a neutral and detached judge to make the decision whether any particular query is warranted.

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He likewise highlights this failing among a detached citizenry on the homefront.
When conventional sticky tape is pulled off of a surface, cracks spread through the adhesive away from the point where the tape is being detached.
Due for completion in February, Ridgewood is situated at Forrest Road in Swords and has a mix of two-bedroom townhouses, four-bedroom semis and four-bedroom detached houses.
One might be excused for appreciating Baechler's black and white cameos less as independent sculptures than as concretized images detached from his paintings.
But of late, the Academy has been in a more detached, ironic mood and has turned its back on middlebrow uplift.
Note that my concept of God here is a completely detached and uninvolved entity, which, if there was a god, is the only form I could see it taking.
This is a truly delightful detached home in an excellent location.
This led to some inconsistent and frankly unbelievable plot devices and left me feeling detached and unsympathetic towards both of the lead characters.
Equally evidently, from any such adverbially qualified sentence we can validly infer a sentence from which one or more of the adverbial qualifiers has been detached.
The clanging, detached, pointillistic economy of the piece up to this point becomes a frenzy of rhythmic vitality, winding down to a soft ending like an old watch.
Crina Bottom, a detached house nestling in the heart of the famous Dales landscape, does not have mains electricity and is serviced by a generator which runs on oil.
Permian shelf-type successions there pass into Triassic sandstones and shales with detached Permian limestone blocks, overlain by Upper Triassic neritic carbonates.
In some cases a scleral buckle, a tiny synthetic band, is attached to the outside of the eyeball to gently push the wall of the eye against the detached retina.
The SFO is deliberately against technical virtuosity in favour of serendipity, against phallocentric guitar-heroism in favour of a detached, unphysical approach to playing.
After we had changed over from the overheating bus, and settled into the new one, the passengers went back into that half dead icily detached gaze that they do.
Her art combines romantic autobiography and detached conceptualism.
The houses are detached bungalows with 157 square metres of floor space.
Her vocals are alternately sassy, playful and scolding, though they always retain a composure that makes them more detached than outrightly emotional.
Planning permission was refused for five detached houses because they were out of keeping with the surrounding listed cottages and because of the loss of trees.
Successes by these Celtic troops against the Romans were usually gained in surprise attacks, in ambushes, and when overwhelming detached units by sheer numbers.

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She deftly detached a lantern off a nearby sconce on the wall.
From any such adverbially qualified sentence, we can validly infer a sentence from which one or more of the adverbial qualifiers has been detached.
It also stems from the fact that Congress seems utterly detached from the rest of the nation, or even the planet.
The offending fire alarm was now completely detached from the wall.
Wooden decking runs around the back and side of the house and there is a large detached garage which is wired for electricity and includes a shower room.
The family also built a new detached kitchen directly behind the rear piazza and converted the fireplaces in the principal rooms of the main floor to coal.
This detached residence on a site of 0.3 acres opposite St Anne's Park and beside the seafront, is within easy walking distance of Clontarf village.
I use a metal straight edge to tear paper and haven't had any trouble with detached metal particles although I have read that this can be a problem.
Residents living in a smart area of Salisbury are preparing to do battle a second time to save two large detached family homes which are under threat of demolition.
He depressurized the walkway, and then detached it from the transport.
Nevertheless, the author is not one to write in a theoretical manner detached from the sociopolitical realities of his day.
It said the towline would be detached if the person or persons in charge of the vessel requested, providing they would go anywhere in the world expect Australia.
Travel stories can be a dodgy proposition, quite often varying between the detached, amused air of Western superiority and the slavish worship of all things foreign.
What needs to made clear at this point is some assumptions that lie behind this picture of tardy, incompetent, and detached management of the company by the shareholders.
These portraits look like clinical studies, detached and unemotional.
This is comedy based on a cold humor, detached, euphemistic, devoid of any generosity.
We are anxious to have individual houses, detached bungalows or dormers.
The detached house with stunning views, which in the past has been a communal wash house, pie shop and toll house, was built by a retired dragoon guard 134 years ago.
With the same detached honesty he famously records the great events, the invaluable ongoing political story, as well as his own foolishnesses and lustful fumblings.
She had this extraordinary ability to be deeply involved and cleanly detached.

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Hall, who last featured for City on February 5, has now had the pot removed and stitches taken out after surgery detached a troublesome tendon in his heel.
But, given her long acquaintanceship with him, it is extraordinary that she should have been so detached from the case for such a misjudgement to have occurred.
We are detached from the characters and consequentially any moral or political dilemmas they might represent don't make themselves felt as an experience of watching the film.
Tall shrubs, hedges, or vine-covered fences make a detached patio private.
With the formation of Primorskaya Oblast in 1856, the Russian territories of the Pacific were detached from Yakutia.
To avoid accidentally igniting the gunpowder the match had to be detached while loading the gun.
In 1907 two small detached parts of Worsley civil parish, then inside Swinton civil parish, were added to Swinton civil parish.
At 48 hours after plating, the cells were detached from the plates in a trypsin-EDTA solution and counted on a hemocytometer.
It is impossible for detached papers to have a general run, or long continuance, if not diversified with humour.
Regardless of how involved Carl outwardly appears, inside he holds himself stoically detached.
Prof. Jain would mix all his food into one glob at lunch so as to be more yogically detached from pleasure but I couldn't get to that point.
In brief, adducted N-terminal valines were detached using the Edman reagent fluoresceine-5-isothio-cyanate.
The thick, flattened parasphenoid is detached and preserved in ventral view anteriorly of the neurocranium.
The suprahyoid muscles were not deliberately detached from the genial tubercles in any of the cases.
An apoprotein is a protein that has become detached from a second molecule that is not a polypeptide.
A nucule could therefore be interpreted either as a dispersed zygote or as a detached gametophyte fragment with a retained zygote.
It also can't be detached from a worldwide upsurge in conservative and fundamentalist movements in religion.
For a moment, I pondered the trajectory the cowling would follow if it detached from the airframe.
The tentacles of the Portuguese man-of-war can, even when detached, cause stings to humans lasting up to two weeks.
The distal spikelets are reduced to solitary flowers leaving the raised areole-like elliptical scars when detached.

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Using an osteotome, the mass was detached from the iliac fossa and exposed down to the lesser trochanter.
Look no further then Taylor Wimpey's Viridian development in Port Tennant, where the developer is selling its three bedroom detached showhome.
The lobule of the ear was detached to transpose the tissue from the retroauricular region to the anterior auricular surface.
A small dark streak detached from the NW end and prograded rapidly eastward.
In another trial, a shrew attacked the spider by first seizing the left palp in its jaws and twisting vigorously until the palp became detached.
The main aim was to reduce one aspect of deviancy in a group of adolescent girls, namely at-risk behaviour, by using the method of detached work.
Some flakes detached in a controlled manner have characteristics of conchoidal fracture.
A raft of twigs stayed upon a stone, suddenly detached itself, and floated towards the culvert.
Instead, an extradiegetic narrator renders detached testimony of the hero's traumatic story in the Thatcher era.
E Onyensoh, detached garage with room over, conservatory with balcony over and french balcony, Boggard Ing Farm, Park Lane, Berry Brow.
A team of six forensic officers in blue boiler suits carried out a search of the detached suburban house and garden last night.
Nelson arrived off Newfoundland with the convoy in late May, then detached on a cruise to hunt American privateers.
The Castle and Shire Hall were expressly excluded and remained as detached Parishes of Nottinghamshire.
The wings and tailplanes detached before the fuselage came down in a field, killing both men.
Joyce, a pushy, emotionally detached middle manager, seems prepped to move into the senior ranks.
The Northumbrian was detached from the Duke's train and rushed him to Eccles, where he died in the vicarage.
The Tribal Areas comprise seven tribal agencies and six small frontier regions detached from neighbouring districts.
Monastics commit themselves to a simple and celibate life, detached from material pursuits, of meditation and spiritual contemplation.
The dispute also concerned the question of the economist's role, and whether this should be as a detached expert or a practical adviser.
In the United Kingdom the term is used of high quality detached homes in warm destinations, particularly Florida and the Mediterranean.

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Brief, abrupt, and detached rhythmic cells are joined into rhythmic phrases with a distinctive, often jerky texture.
Bonaparte wanted Claude Lecourbe's corps to be detached to Italy after the initial battles, but Moreau had other plans.
American populism is a little different because it's more detached from that.
The city government pays the Pelham Public Schools to educate a very small, detached section of the Bronx.
Negri suffered a detached retina after being smacked in the eye with the squash ball and when he came back he wasn't the same player.
To be a humanist, one has first to love human beings, and to be a great humanist, one has to be slightly detached from them.
In these cases, the detached subunits carried only the vexillum, and not the aquila, and were called, therefore, vexillationes.
Many of the new shires had highly irregular boundaries or detached parts as they united the various possessions of the heritable sheriffs.
In 1937, the Settlement was detached from India and became the Colony of Aden, a British Crown colony.
These have a thicker tip and a scar from where the leaf lamina became detached.
Many of the worker class built their own homes, and many small, detached apartment buildings were built.
Most of the homes in these areas are detached row houses, single family homes or small apartment buildings.
Sometime during the Oligocene, South America was finally detached from Antarctica and drifted north towards North America.
Each mine had two hydrostatic safety features intended to render the mine safe if it detached from its mooring cable and floated to the surface.
Armoring involves building revetments, seawalls, detached breakwaters, groins, etc.
This detached force formed the nucleus of the British fleet that would fight at Trafalgar.
Rectangular patches of bark become detached exposing thick layers of black fungal spores.
When a wholly detached expression or sentence is parenthesized, the final stop comes before the last mark of parenthesis.
Termination type is a characteristic indicating the manner in which the distal end of a flake detached from a core.
The residents claim men come and go from the detached property on a half-hourly basis almost every day.

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This vase had a detached base and some of the strapwork handles were missing.
This event may have contributed to Alexander's failing health and detached mental state during his final months.
It is not known when they exactly detached from the treasure fleet for Bengal.
Pelliot suggested that the fleet squadrons detached at Hormuz to travel to Aden, the East African ports and perhaps Lasa.
Ma Huan recorded that the various detached ships reassembled in Malacca to wait for favorable winds before continuing their return.
His cousin, Afonso de Albuquerque, was in charge of a squadron of five vessels in this fleet that subsequently detached.
Brown cloves are expanded flowers from which both corollae and stamens have been detached.
De Mello detached two armed craft to return to Duarte Coelho and escort him, but could not breach the Chinese blockade.
Meanwhile, the county borough of Dudley, historically a detached part of Worcestershire, expanded and became associated with Staffordshire instead.
Paul Charley, area vehicle examiner for Devon and Cornwall Police, told the inquest he found faults in the trailer's tow hitch which could have caused it to become detached.
Pioneer Cabin 18 is a furnished five bedroom, six and a half bathroom residence with approximately 3,423 square feet including a detached, two-car garage.
In mid-December, vandals in the Sicilian town of Catania detached a menorah set up in a public plaza which prevented the lighting of a Hanukah candle.
The detached body part should be quickly irrigated to remove contaminants.
In this respect it is like the rolling avalanche, that leaves detached portions of its bulk by the way, and yet keeps augmenting in its circumvolutionary course.
Diplomacy successfully detached Emperor Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor, from France, and the Treaty of Canterbury in 1416 paved the way to end the Western Schism in the Church.
Thus, Fortey later began grouping natant trilobites and their offspring as libristomate to designate the non-attached, or formerly detached, nature of their hypostomes.
The detached northern part of Lancashire in the Lake District, including the Furness Peninsula and Cartmel, was merged with Cumberland and Westmorland to form Cumbria.
Lonsdale was further partitioned into Lonsdale North, the detached part north of the sands of Morecambe Bay including Furness and Cartmel, and Lonsdale South.
Theseus has detached himself from imagination and rules Athens harshly.
The islands became detached by rising sea levels in the Neolithic period.

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In recent times, more detached housing has started to be built.
People became passionately and emotionally involved in their religion, rather than passively listening to intellectual discourse in a detached manner.
Dreiser, Crane, and Norris were also journalists, and thus attempted to immerse themselves in the world of fact via the reporter's assumption of detached observation.
A plaster cast was taken of the detached skull by artist William Scoular.
The Ardnamurchan, Ardgour, Ballachulish, Duror, Glencoe, Kinlochleven and Morvern areas of Argyll were detached to become parts of Lochaber District, in Highland.
It may be noted that the map depicts a large number of exclaves physically detached from the county that they were politically deemed to be part of.
This can help them to escape predators, which are either distracted by the wriggling, detached tail or left with only the tail while the lizard flees.
Development is also done at the receptacle and then once at the stage of seedling, the latter is detached for fixation on a new support and form a new individual.
Growth chambers studies with detached leaves and potted plants showed remarkable activity of oxathiapiprolin against Pseudoperonospora cubensis in cucurbits.
The detached tail, sometimes brilliantly coloured, continues to writhe after detaching, distracting the predator's attention from the fleeing prey.
Typically, but not necessarily, small pieces are detached from a larger piece, in which case the larger piece may be called the core and the smaller pieces the flakes.
Using one or two striking points, long thin blades were detached.
Secondary and tertiary flakes display dorsal flake scars, which are simply the markings left behind by flakes detached prior to the detachment of the subject flake.
In the gradual development of the Roman legal system, however, some important functions were detached from the consulship and assigned to new officers.
Carlyle's The French Revolution was written in a highly unorthodox style, far removed from the neutral and detached tone of the tradition of Gibbon.
The fleet was divided in several detached squadrons at Semudera.
During the sixth voyage, the treasure fleet sailed up to Calicut, where several detached squadrons proceeded to further destinations at the Arabian Peninsula and East Africa.
The remaining three carriages of the Duke's train were detached and the band's carriage, hauled by Northumbrian, set off for Manchester with Stephenson driving.
Typically, she is a very cold, detached and calculative person.
Silently obeying the order, the three harpooneers now stood with the detached iron part of their harpoons, some three feet long, held, barbs up, before him.

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By the turn-of-the-century the sense of humor became the signature attribute of a self that was defined as passive, detached, and consumerist, Wickberg argues.
According to a report in Kwong Wah Yit Poh, the 46-year-old man from Jilong city in Taiwan, flushed his detached organ down the toilet bowl, the Star Online reported.
Crucially, our legislators are so far detached from the general public that they are not in the least bit interested or bothered about issues that concern Joe Bloggs.
The location of the peroxidase activity in inoculated Arabidopsis leaves was also examined by incubating detached inoculated leaves in a 4-chloro-1-napthol solution.
With this in mind, Persimmon's four and five bedroom detached homes at The Arboretum in Northowram near Halifax are designed to suit even the largest of families.
John Cullion, a company director who bought a pounds 78,000 four-bedroom detached house in the town's Kaims Gardens, initially used his garage for storage.
Coun Barry Henley said he could see no reason why the large detached house at 608 Chester Road should not be turned into eight bedsits for students or single.
However, Schafer noted that the molecular mechanisms cancer cells detached from the extracellular matrix use to survive has not been well understood.
Follow-up observations of different wavelengths of light coming from the star system uncovered a fifth star, which is linked to the detached binary star.
The studies in which the primary production of aquatic macrophytes has been directly quantified have usually involved detached pieces of algal thalli or individuals.
An imposing traditional detached house with double wrought iron gates opening to the front garden and attractive brick paviours which provide parking for several vehicles.
There is a Cartesian geography underlying this view, which assumes that the mind is confined within internal boundaries, impermeably detached from the world.
This has lead to a shift away from traditional semidetached and detached homes towards a greater number of flats, maisonettes and traditional terraced housing schemes.
He was detached from the ventilator and then bradycardic til asystolic.
The Palace in Bedlington Station is an imposing detached brick building featuring a reception area, nightclub with dance floor, three bar serveries, and booth seating.
Situated off Norlands Lane, Widnes, the doors to the show home opened last month to the new four bedroom, detached Bedworth and it is getting great feedback.
I found, in examining the mineralogy of the coast, masses of detached limestone, containing fissures filled with asphaltum.
But they were detached fires, and they did not fuse into a general mass at any time.
The sixth man was Scottie, who had long since been detached from the party.
Sure enough, alme detached from her fair neck an elastic band, whereon were strung thirteen bright gold rings.
The same observations apply to smaller segments, and even to single detached rows of ambulacral feet.
When the eschars have become detached, suppuration exhausts the forces of the patient, and death takes place by asthenia.
It is then detached, and carried to the annealing oven, where it undergoes slow and gradual cooling during many hours.
A full-throated chorus informed her, and the arbitress detached the threads of the dispute with effortless dexterity.
I also picked up a detached mass of argillaceous oxide of iron, and some fragments of striped hornstone.
As a matter of fact, he became detached rather early in the game, having been accidentally given a bucker.

Detached in a Sentence Definition
